New Beginnings Church of Fort Wayne is a ministry that looks to serve people as Christ served people and love people as Christ loved us.
A praying church is a church after Gods own heart. New Beginnings Church would love to pray for you! Come visit we would love to pray with you or leave us an email at newbeginningschurch16@yahoo.com and we will be sure to pray for you as well.
Elders / Seniors
New Beginnings Church is Senior friendly. It's access to the Sanctuary and fellowship hall is accessible with it all being on one level.
Sunday school
Foundation of growth in Church is it Sunday School, Bible Study and Sunday Service. As of February 4th Sunday School will start at 9 Am to 10 Am. Equipping the Saints with Gods word.
Youth is the future of the Church New Beginnings Church offers Service on their level. Youth Service will be in session at the same time as adult service is going. To afford everyone to learn on their level.
New Beginnings Church offers a divers selection of praise and worship. As we use both modern praise and worship as well as traditional praise and worship.
Community service
New Beginnings is a community church with a family feel. As a church we look to be a blessing to our community. We do so by hosting community events like Back to School Bash, Youth Shut in's, Movie nights all free to the community helping out as we can.